
The Most "Techie" Thing I've Done All Week

My new job at the start up company is AWESOME. Except for the fact that I have to take a test in three months...sheesh!

The most 'techie' thing I did this week was install a second monitor. I've never done this before. I know how to plug in a monitor, but that's about it. And the funniest thing is when the guy brought over my second monitor I asked him "So, should I move...or..." and he looks at me with a smirk and says:

"We like to let everyone empower themselves." and walks away.

So, I only locked myself out of my computer once, but I got that monitor up and running and can now move all my windows from one to the other!

The learning curve here is steep, but I plan on stomping it flat pretty soon.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7/26/2007

    You got some good shit-kickers for all that curve-stompin'? Good to hear you are enjoying the new gig!

    P.S. - I'm jealous of your second monitor :-(
